Game Engine Short Film Project

  Last week I started research on my project ‘Pasifika film production using game design technology’ where I will create a short film with Unity or Unreal Game engine. To quote the Sundance Film Festival:

“In January of 2020, real-time storytellers were able to dazzle and inspire the Sundance Film Festival audience with immersive creative achievements in the show’s New Frontier program”.

This new era of storytelling is where I see myself as a filmmaker because it allows for the successful management of common obstacles and barriers in contemporary film making. Independence in scriptwriting, 3D processes and film production made possible by new technologies will allow more Pasifika stories to be told.

My film is based on my short script that I developed with South Shorts, a screen writer’s workshop run in association with NZ Film Commission. South shorts is focused on finding talent in South Auckland and providing an opportunity to workshop their stories with mentoring from industry professionals. The film will focus on 4 Polynesian characters (2 brothers and 2 strangers) setting them against the back drop of Manurewa (a low socio economic suburb) to highlight the themes of at risk youth, mental health and hope.

With my research into Unity with the Play Kindly app, professional development in zbrush and maya, my background in animation production, and now my Directing debut with Meet Munch Jr documentary, I feel confident to take on this new challenge.

Prep & Rec:
I had previously did a location scout and really liked the idea of a tunnel as a hide out base for the characters. Here you see some preliminary sketches and character previz.
I choose Clendon round about in Manurewa, South Auckland a few blocks down from where I live.

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